popular entrees
Served with
Steamed Rice
Served with
Fried Rice
or French Fries
Served w/Pork, Chicken,
Shrimp, or Beef Fried Rice;
or Plain Lo Mein
Fried Wings (3)……………....…..........….. 7.96….....…..…..10.17 ……………....…....13.29
Fried Wings (4)……………….................... 8.95 ………..…..10.99 …………………… 14.17
Garlic or Honey Wings………….……. 6 pcs.—8.95 ...… 8 pcs.— 13.29 ……....… 8 pcs.— 16.85
12 pcs.—17.99
Buffalo Wings………………………… 6 pcs.—8.95 …... 8 pcs.— 13.29 ...….…… 8 pcs.— 16.85
12 pcs.—17.99
Medium Fried Shrimp (15) ……….......….. 8.65 …………….12.95 …………….……... 13.96
Jumbo Fried Shrimp (8)………………...…. 11.50 …….....… 15.95 ………….…......…. 17.49
Jumbo Shrimp with Broccoli (8)...................15.95
Basket-Style Shrimp................................... 7.95 ...................11.50
Chicken Nuggets (8) ………………….…... 7.95 ………........11.50 …………..….……..13.55
Steak ………………………............................……..….….... 13.29 …................……… 16.85
Curry Pork Chop........................................ 16.95